Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sashing's done!

Woohoo. The sashing is on, looks great, and I didn't cut off too many points on my blocks. Clap on the back to me. I am so happy with how this quilt is shaping up. Thank you all for your very kind (too kind) praise and encouragement. I am enjoying the creative process very much, but I must confess I had no idea how much work goes into one of these babies. No wonder you all take so much pride in your quilts (finished and unfinished!).

I have made the momentous decision to hand quilt this one. I know it will take a lot longer by hand, but I think there are several reasons that have convinced me:
a) I prefer the look of hand-sewn stitches
b) I can do it at night in front of the tv when Romily is asleep, sitting next to Carl.
c) It gets me away from the machine, which is a magnet for Romy when she's awake.
d) I don't have to find a way to support it while I try to roll it for turning while machine sewing
e) I feel like it!!

I've chosen a gold coloured cotton thread. It's turned into quite a gold quilt, but I like that because the colours in the fabrics are very rich and the gold brings them all together.

I measured up Romily's cot tonight, so I know I need to add about 10 inches around. I'll do a 4-inch border in the floral fabric and then another 1 1/2 inch border in the burgundy/marrone fabric. Haven't decided on binding or backing fabric yet. I'll make that decision once I see what the whole quilt top looks like once the borders are on.


  1. You have done such a great job on this quilt and the praise is ALL deserved! It's a wonderful job, and no one could tell that it was your very first quilt! It came together very nicely with the sashing. Lay out your border fabrics on the floor and expose the size border you want and see how they look.

    I think hand quilting will be perfect because you have alot of variety in the blocks and doing it by hand will allow you to go around all the applique and quilt it perfectly.


  2. Great quilt. I wish I could say my first quilt looked this nice. I must say even some of my recent quilts don't look this nice. Hope you continue with this new part of your life. Your daughter is a lucky girl to receive this wonderful quilt.

  3. Looks super Lily - what a first attempt well done you - your daughter's a lucky little girl :o)

  4. It looks great - you've done a fantastic job. I can't wait to see the finished quilt - I am sure the gold thread you've chosen will make the quilt sparkle!

  5. Woohoo! It is a big beautiful quilt!!! Very good :)))

  6. Anonymous1:44 pm

    Hi Lily,
    Your first quilt is beautiful, I think it deserves hand quilting, and your right it be nice to work on in the evenings when our little pumpkin is asleep and Carl is reading or watching telly.....I can't wait to see how it will look with the borders....Hugs Tina

  7. Anonymous8:56 pm

    You're making wonderful progress, Lily! I think hand quilting is the best choice on an appliqued quilt.

  8. The quilt is looking fantastic. The hand quilting will compliment it wonderfully.

  9. It looks spectacular Lily, no one could guess it was your first quilt. Great use of your material and great colors. You are going to be so proud when you see it on R's cot...*VBS*

    Glad you decided to hand quilt it. It won't take as long as you think..*S* And then you'll want to make another....hope you do!!!

  10. Looks so lovely. Hand quilting is enjoyable and soothing (at least once you get the hang of it). Excellent job!


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