Thursday, July 27, 2006

A little bit teary

Oh I had a teary moment yesterday. Carl and I took Romily to Gymbaroo in the afternoon. It was Carl's first time - and my last. I was a little sad and emotional when it dawned on me that it isn't my full-time job any more to play with Romily and help her learn. I know she's in good hands with Carl, but I think it's a little like being stabbed in the heart having to leave your child with someone else.

I start work next Tuesday. Thank goodness it's only for two days next week. I think that's about all I'll be able to bear.


  1. Oh Lily - I do feel for you, thank goodness it's two days not five. Plus better Daddy looking after her than a childminder or nursery, which are all wonderful but I have friends who returned to full time work and missed hosts of milestones, at least this way it'll be one parent or the other who gets to see them :o) She is a real cutie

  2. Lily, I wish I could just hold your hand! It's so sad and you will miss her terribly but she will be okay.

    Get a big box of tissues for your car and your desk for next week.

  3. Your little girl is the sweetest cutest little girl! I want to just sweep her up and hug her! Hang in there, it isn't going to be easy. I remember going to work and bawling my eyes out. But you know what, I had to work and my husband was the stay at home dad and it turned out fine. In fact my kids got a special bond with dad that most kids don't. It will be ok.


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