Saturday, June 17, 2006

Good moon rising

I cracked it! After several attempts at the first patch, I finally managed to sew the curved seam of this four-patch block called moon rising over mountain (or some such thing). Mind you, mine looks more like a sun, but you get the picture.

This was a fun block to make, but I can see why lots of quilters avoid curved seams like the plague. Or do large ones that can be done on the machine and whose curves aren't too tight - much easier to sew! While it doesn't look it in the photo, the block is actually even and measures 6 1/2 inches - as it's supposed to! Amazing. :)

I am supposed to do another block for Tuesday, but it's one I won't actually be using in my quilt, as I am doing an applique house instead of a patched house. We haven't done our applique class yet, so there's no way I'm attempting it yet!!

As my theme is Japanese/oriental, I'm doing a pagoda house instead of the country barn number provided by the teacher. I'm going to do the provided house in el cheapo materials as a lesson in how to construct the block, but I don't know if I'll get it done tomorrow or worry about it later. We'll see how tomorrow pans out.

I had a great birthday yesterday - thank you all for your well wishes. I even had a sleep-in this morning (on my birthday weekend). Aaah bliss. I love it when my birthday falls on or adjacent to a weekend - I can milk the special treatment for a couple of days!!


  1. Lily that's a very interesting way of doing mmon over the mountain - I've only ever seen it stitched as applique with the moon and then the mountain appliqued onto the background sky - which to me as an applique-er is much simpler - each to their own :o)

  2. THat's a very pretty block but I'm with you on the curved seams. Very difficult to make them come out even. Congrats on doing it so well.

  3. Morning Lily, and a happy, happy birthday to you..*VBS* Soooo great that you got a bit of a sleep-in !! Life is good!

    Love the block. And I think to have done it in a 6.5" size is quite amazing. I've mostly seen it done in a 12", and that makes the curve easier. Yours looks wonderful!! I'll be excited to see all your blocks together.

  4. Excellent job! Not only did you get the curves done right and perfect, but you got all those stripes to match UP!!!

    Wondeful work on the blocks and great that you got to enjoy a nice relazing weekend so far!

  5. Wow, can't believe they are having you do curved pieces already. Block looks great. Good for you for not following the teacher's pattern and doing it your own way!!!!


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