Thursday, June 08, 2006

Extra long weekend

It's lucky I am typing this and not recording it - I had my final dental appointment this morning and three hours later half of my mouth is still numb! Two fillings in the same region meant she gave me a really strong anaesthetic - I wonder when I'll be able to feel my lip, cheek and tongue again?

Just a quick post to say thanks for all the lovely comments on my story and my blocks! I am off tomorrow morning for a five-day flying visit with my parents in Melbourne (650kms away from Canberra). I am taking Romily on her second plane ride and we'll be catching up with friends and family over the Queen's Birthday long weekend.

In case you're wondering, the Queen of England is still the Head of State of Australia - we didn't have our war of independence - so we have a long weekend in June each year to celebrate her majesty's birthday. Of course it's not really her birthday - that was in April. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a long weekend?

So, I won't be posting until sometime mid-next week. You'll have to wait till then for the final part of my story! What a tease!

In the meantime, here are another couple of mountain shots for those who like 'em.

This is a photo of the view we had from our first night's accommodation on the trek. Unbelievable!

This was us soaking up the sun at the top of the Annapurna Sanctuary trek - only a couple of hours later we heard the news of the avalanche. That's me on the front right.

Have a great weeekend!


  1. Hi Lily, had to stop by with my weepy scrunchy eyes, and say hello. ANd now you are off for a visit...have a wonderful time!!! I promise to come back and read your story when I can see better...Hugs, FInn

  2. We celebrate the Queen's b'day on May 24. How many birthdays does that woman have? Lol.

  3. Have a lovely vacation with Romy and your parents. I am loving your pictures even though they do have sad news attached to them. The views are simply perfect and something I KNOW I will never see in person in my lifetime. Me and climbing do not mix, but hubby was an experience hiker and rock climber when we met. What amazing calf muscles he did have!LOL!

    Picasa is a godsend sometimes with my pics. I don't post throught them as Finn does because I like more than one pic, but it's amazing at fixing them.

    Oh I had to tell you one more funny thing...hubby hooked us up with Google Analytics that tracks your blog and it's so fun to see your little gold dot listed as Canberra, that shows you visited me!

  4. Hope you had an excellent trip. I like the idea of celebrating the birthday on two different dates, one with better weather.


Thanks for stopping by!