Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy 9 months to Romily

I know it's my computer-free day, but I couldn't let today pass without wishing my darling daughter happy nine months!

She's been out as long as she was 'in'. It's hard to believe that nearly a whole year has passed since she entered our lives. She's an angel (most of the time) and we are enjoying being her parents very much.

I love you Romily


  1. What a cute photo, she will love it when she is older!

    Doesn't time fly when you have someone so great and new in your life?

  2. She is so sweet and as I know children are so precious to our lives. She will be grown before you know it. Enjoy each and every day with her!

  3. She is a beautiful girl! It's so fun when they discover the mirror and the "baby" inside!!

  4. Anonymous11:00 pm

    What a beautiful photo!


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