Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Can a voice glow?

My friend Steph is a singer. Well she's a whole lot of things, but one of them is a singer (she sings with the South Australian State Opera). I had never heard Steph sing (we used to work very closely and it just wasn't that kind of work where you could break out in song!). Steph is moving to Dubai soon, so she plucked up the courage to put on two concerts, called Another Sad Song. Unfortunately they were in Adelaide (half-way across the country) so I couldn't make it. However, she did have the first night recorded and has made the recording available via her blog.

I would highly recommend you download and listen to the two files. The music is a mix of 'big' numbers, jazzy songs, Jewish schtik and a bit of opera thrown in. I'm not an opera fan, but I got shivers down my spine when I listened. Steph has the most amazing voice - it just glows. So please listen to my incandescent friend.

You can find part one here. And part two here.

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