Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A wonderful holiday

As some of you have noticed, we're back! We arrived back in Canberra on Monday night after a 10-hour drive from Melbourne. My mum decided at the last minute to join us for the drive - she was worried about me driving so far with a potentially feral 8 and a 1/2 month old baby. I'm glad she did, as she shared the driving and, more important, entertained Romily for the last hour when it got all too much for the poor thing. I think she hated being stuck in her carseat for so long. We had four stops, but it's not much fun as an adult, let alone a baby. (Mum flew home the next morning.)

Anyway, we're back, after having a lovely Easter in Bendigo with Romily's paternal grandfather and then a week in Melbourne with my parents, culminating in my twin nephews' baptism. It was so lovely to see family and friends again - especially to catch up with my friend Amanda who I'd missed at Christmas. Her beautiful daughter Olivia has grown so much since I saw her last it's incredible.

Romily had a fantastic time - there were other babies and young children galore and she was quite the social butterfly! She has started smiling at strangers, and was even kissing the other babies! Oh it was so cute :) You can see in the pictures above that she was telling her 2nd cousin Lucas a long and apparently boring story!!

And in the car on the tedious trip home she started saying 'mumumumumumum' and 'adadadadadad'. What a joy to hear them trying to say your name! Not such a joy at 4am, but hey!

My mum also insisted that I do no housework while I was in Melbourne - she gave me a break from all of that, so it did actually feel like a holiday. I even bought jars of baby food for Romily instead of cooking it all. Woohoo. It's amazing what gets you excited when you have a baby :)

Of course it's back to the salt mines now. But I am feeling refreshed and not so daunted by the whole 'homemaker' thing. I'm just taking it as it comes and enjoying the last few months at home with the bubba before I go back to work (in August yuk).


  1. What a joy to see three little ones enjoying the jumpy seats! Very Cute!

  2. what an adorable picture of the three babies..*VBS* They are all so beautiful...*S* I'm glad you got a chance to "veg out" and restore yourself.
    Sorry to hear that you must return to work, guess that's the reality thought. Hugs, Finn

  3. Such cute kids! I love the three of them all hanging out in their bouncers.

    I noticed on Finn's blog that you were looking for the block she made but in a rectangular quilt - I drew it up on Electric Quilt software rectangular, with sashing, if you want to see. :)

  4. That last picture is priceless! How adorable are they!!


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