Saturday, April 29, 2006

Boring but done

This has got to be the most boring sewing project imaginable! With Romily bound to start crawling one day soon (or one month soon), we decided that we needed a dust cover (read Romy cover) for our buffet/ sideboard/ credenza/ whateveryouwanttocallit. It is handmade from myrtle and is precious to us, so we need to protect it and its contents from wandering fingers. So I set myself the challenge of making a cover from calico that would fit snugly.

I did it! It is even (almost) square. I was so careful with my measurements and managed to sew in relatively straight lines and it fits perfectly. There is one dodgy corner (the not quite square part), which is nicely hidden at the back. I am proud of myself for a) finishing this project before Romily starts crawling and b) not mucking it up. Elephant stamp for me!


  1. Great job! You're's perfectly square, and very sung and straight... which is not an easy feat at all. Very good job, even if you think it was a bit boring.

    NOW, here's a suggestion. You could decide make a nice table runner to lay lengthwise across the top. That coordinates with the room decor. Something like 8 or 10 inches wide. After your quilting class you could make something really cool with piecework, or something more abstract.

  2. It's very professional looking Lily, and I am impressed. I know you sew, but that sure was a great example of executing a!!
    Keep up the great work..*VBS*

  3. Thanks Ladies! LOL I realised after I posted that I'd put up a photo of the cover before I hemmed it! It looks a bit better in real life.

    Judy that's a fantastic suggestion. Now you've got me thinking!!

  4. What's an elephant stamp? Is it like the seal of approval?

  5. Ah yes it's like getting a gold stamp on your homework in preschool!


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