Monday, March 13, 2006

The vegemite kid

We're happy little vegemites
We're bright as bright can be
We all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast lunch and tea
Because we LOVE our vegemite
We all ENJOY our vegemite
It puts a ROSE in every CHEEK!!!!!

Little Romy Bear loves her vegemite cruskits, as you can see from this very visually appealing photo. If you look closely, you can also see the top of one of her two teeth that made an appearance early this month.

For those of you in the US, vegemite is a yeast-based condiment that you spread sparingly onto bread, biscuits and can also use in soups, etc. It has a very unusual and strong flavour and is beloved by most Australian kids and many adults. It's very similar to Promite, but not as sweet.

I love my vegemite too :)

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