Monday, February 27, 2006

No it is not permissable to wear this in public...

Inspired by Tiffany, after I saw this on the weekend I had to create my list of fashion no-nos for men.

1. Thongs. Not the ones you wear on your feet. I don't care if you're Brad Pitt. No!
2. Combovers. This is never a good look. It is never justifiable. Even if you're the Pope.
3. Diamond ear studs. Sorry if that's you. But I just think it screams 'try-hard'.
4. Socks with sandals. Tiffany I'm with you on this one.
5. Bum bags. These are also called fanny packs by our US friends. Enough said.
6. Man bags. Beloved by the men of Europe. Behated by moi.
7. Cartoon character ties. This is not cute. It's naff, it's daggy, it's not on.
8. Shirts with loud sleeves. You know the kind. They were popular in the 90s to wear with a matching bow-tie under dinner suits. These belong in the bad taste bin.
9. Black socks with runners. That's trainers for those of you in the US. This doesn't even work under jeans. Try white socks gentlemen.
10. Spiky gelled hair. Okay if you're 13. Not if you're 31. Get a style makeover next time you go to the hairdresser! Spiky hair does not hide the fact that you're losing your hair. Get over it and get a number 2 buzz all over. Now that's hot!


  1. Oh Lily, great minds think alike! I agree with you on all 10.

  2. You had some great ones!! I love the combover and black socks with runners!!

  3. I love the black socks and white shoes!

  4. hilarious! this one's a must read for all men!

  5. Hi Lily, I'm still chuckling..I'm with you on every point! Especially the thongs, combovers and spikes...LOL Wish you could get this one published..preferably in a men's magazine ! Hugs, Finn

  6. totally agree on ALL 10!!! Especially the thong one!! I would rather see a bare bum than one wearing a thong!!

  7. Holy cow, I never saw those shirts before....

    BTW I'll be in Australia at the end of May early June... (I'm telling everyone becasue it will take at least 24 hours for me to get there!)


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