Saturday, December 24, 2005

Baby's first Christmas

Romily is blossoming by the day and we're very excited to be celebrating her first Christmas tomorrow. We've been out and about visiting friends and family in Victoria and she's been really good - still sleeping really well although we have completely taken her out of her routine.

Our families celebrate Christmas today and tomorrow, so we're spending this afternoon with my parents and brothers, my sister-in-law and my four nephews, and then heading off to my aunt and uncle's place tonight for our huge clan gathering - there will be more than 40 people there!!

Tomorrow we head to central Victoria to have Christmas lunch with my father-in-law. We are spending Christmas Day in Bendigo and my father-in-law will love having Romily in the house for another couple of days before we head down to Tasmania for two weeks.

Romily is enjoying having more people around and my parents think she's just lovely. She's been rolling around lots and laughing and smiling at people. This morning she learnt how to blow raspberries and she's just getting cuter by the day!

Although she won't really understand what all the fuss is about, she'll have presents to 'open' tonight and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she gets all that paper to roll in and chew on!

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