Friday, December 11, 2009

Authentically twisted

Two more quilty items finished. Woohoo. And in the nick of time too. Table runner #1 is for Romily's Friday playschool teacher Carol. We gifted it to her this afternoon - it was finished just before midnight last night! You can't see from the below photo, but the rail fence blocks are bound in a solid black fabric. As you can see, I used up some more of the Authentic jelly roll I used in the quilt I've been making. You can also see that I used some of the stone colourway, which I omitted from the quilt palette.
Here's a close-up of the quilting. I quilted triangles on one side only, all the way along. Carol was pleased as punch!And today I sewed the lable onto 'Authentic Twist'. It's now on its way to my sister-in-law's dad in Melbourne. I'm really happy with the way this quilt turned out. I am loving the combination of pistachio, black and white. I even like the green border now that it's bound with black. The quilt measures 43" x 55". (Design is from Bonnie Hunter's Strip Twist design)I am also pleased with the backing - it's a repurposed doona cover that had met its use-by date. It goes really well with the quilt. (I also used it to back the table runner - its final use for now will be the second TR, which is also using the Authentic strips.)
Here's a close-up of the loopy quilting I did up and down and across the quilt in a semi-random pattern.Next up is the second table runner, which will go to Romily's Wednesday playschool teacher next week. I can't believe after three years Romily is finishing up at Noah's Ark and heading off to pre-school. Our association with the centre will continue though, as Tristan starts Playgroup there in February :)


Kathleen said...

really gorgeous gifts and love the trianglular one sided quilting!

Duyvken said...

Fantastic Lily! I just adore this fabric and am trying to figure out how to use my last charm pack.

Emma said...

Fanbtastic work on both items; I love your trianglar quiting and the swirly lines. Well done!

Joyce said...

Lucky teachers! I never used to get anything that nice when I was teaching...

Chookyblue...... said...

love the quilt and table runner.........and your new header matches perfectly........

Frogdancer said...

Saw the quilt on Flikr and just had to come for a further look. So beautiful... far more attractive than the totally scrappy look of the inspiration quilt.
Love the triangular quilting, too.

Beetlehouse Designs said...

Amazing job. Wow - love them both. Great work Lily.

Helen said...

The Twist quilt is amazing Lily. Well done on both of these!

Bec Clarke said...

Once again beautiful work, that fabric is lovely. Maybe I should start sewing teachers presents now before my kids go to school and that way I will be organised.

Rebekah said...

great project! I really like how the text fabric adds a lot of depth and variety to the patchwork.

Mark said...

I love how your Authentic Twist quilt turned out! That Green border really makes it! I love the triangle quilting on the table runner too!

dutchcomfort said...

Your Authentic Twist quilt is really beautiful!!

k said...

Such a beautiful quilt!! Can you tell me if the green border you used is a solid and if so, what name/color it is...I was just looking today for a green to match these materials, but couldn't find one. I'm working on a quilt of the same fabrics.