Thursday, August 14, 2008

Canberra Quilters' Exhibition 2008

One upside to the baby being 'not early' was that I made it to the Canberra Quilters' Exhibition last Friday. There were some lovely quilts there and here are a few of my favourites (Click on the image for a larger a view):

Diane Firth - After the Rain

Beth Miller - The Girls of Tyrone Farm

Jenny Bowker - Hakim (Best in Show)

Pauline Reynolds - Doggies in the Window
(Polly is a mate from work and first time exhibitor. I tried four times to get a clear photo of her hand-pieced attic window quilt, but there were always people in the way looking at all the different dogs!)

Jenny Cook - Sadako's Rainbow (hand quilted and sashiko - stunning)

Jenny Wild - Fire

Brenda Smith - Acacia Bloom

Lynn Cribb - Fantabulous Night (first time exhibitor and all hand quilted!)

Margaret Rolfe - Crimson Cranes I and II

Lorelle D'Arcy - Japanese Wedding Quilt (double sided!)


Joyce said...

Wow. Hakim and the one with cows look more like photos than quilts. I really like the green one on the top.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Loved that tasty treat, thanks Lily!!
The very Hungry caterpillar looks fantastic... the amount of times I have taught lessons from that book!!!
Hope it isn't the 21st!! That seems a way away! Tracey

Emma said...

THANK YOU Lily! What a delightful surprise - and I really needed a new pincushion; perfect! Great quilts; Diane Firth's is stunning but I love Sadako's Rainbow!

Anonymous said...

Wow, there are some amazing quilts there!
My favourite is fantabulous night. That is a lot of hand quilting!

Gabrielle said...

Thanks Lily, it is great to see some photos to remember the exhibition - there were so many lovely quilts to admire.

Helen said...

Wow! Some lovely quilt there Lily. Loved that first one, after the rain, stunning!

Corrie said...

phew! thought I'd missed your big news but obviously someone doesn't want to come out yet!!!!!!!!

good luck

Louise said...

So beautiful! My favourite is Sadako's Rainbow, after handquilting my quilt I have a healthy respect for anyone taking that on!

thehummingcat said...

Love them all but my fave is After the Rain.

C'mon Bebe!!

QuiltingFitzy said...

WOW! I saw a photo of Hakim himself on Jenny's blog, so when I saw the quilt, I knew exactly who's quilt it was, I'm in total awe.

Was Pauline's done with photo prints? It's really cute!

All my 3 kiddos were 2 weeks late, they loved laying around with momma just a lil' bit more. They cleared the mucas, they broke the waters...still very stubborn, lol.


Sandy's Quilter's Block said...

So glad you made it to this show and sharing it with us! I love quilt shows, they're so inspiring.
Love the Origami and shashiko quilt. I would love to try this one day.

Jan said...

That Diane Firth quilt is a real stunner.
Hang in can't be much longer now!