Monday, October 15, 2007

Been busy!

Phew! Where has the week gone?

I've been really busy at work, and then sewing up a storm in the evenings, getting a little outfit finished off for a friend of mine who's having her baby in the next couple of weeks. I love how it turned out! I totally changed the construction of the garment, lining all of the panels with some bright blue cotton before I sewed up the seams. this meant that there are no exposed edges inside the dress...therefore no rough edges on baby's skin. It also meant I didn't have to do any fiddly binding around the armholes, which, being on a baby's dress, are way too small to fit over the arm on my machine. I think I might construct all these garments this way too. If you think you recognise the fabric, you're right! I bought this Robert Kaufmann fabric from equilter a while ago, but thought it was perfect for this dress (Simplicity, #4243, size 3-6 months).

I made some matching bloomers from the blue cotton too.

Another friend had her baby boy last night - but she wouldn't tell us what she was having, so I couldn't make her pressie early. Now I know I'm making a romper, so that's up next.

We had a great weekend, with another concert for my social little girl - this time it was Thomas and Friends - a stage show of the Thomas the Tank Engine TV show. It was pretty good, although it was a little bit scary for tiny tots! Poor Romily cried at the end of the first act (yes there was an interval) when some 'rocks' fell down on Percy, one of the trains. But all was well again when Thomas saved the day. Romily even did some dancing in the aisle :)

Then Carl kindly let me have the afternoon 'off' and I went shopping for clothes and shoes all by myself. Bliss. I even had lunch. By myself. Did I mention that bit? I bought some lovely new clothes that actually suit my rather round figure. Makes a gal feel good, you know?

Sunday afternoon we went for a lovely bike ride around the lake - it was a gorgeous day, if a little windy. We'll try and do that a bit more often now that the weather is warming up and we're having some beautiful days.

Work shouldn't be nearly as busy this week, which is good, as I'm a little tired from the last couple of months. I've even decided to take next Monday off as a day 'in lieu' of the public holiday I worked recently. That should be nice :)


AJ said...

wow that is a super cute dress...perfect for summer!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Lily. I love the fabric.

Clare said...

Gorgeous dress and lovely lovely fabric.

Poor Romilly being upset over Percy getting covered in rocks. Alex has never been a Thomas fan - she was more into Telly Tubbies (sigh).

I haven't forgotten the meme - just trying to get up todat with everything.

Cathy said...

the dress is lovely - thanks for the tip about the lining.

~Bren~ said...

Oh your little dress is gorgeous!!! I am sure your friend will LOVE it! I am still dealing with my clothing stress. I can not find someone to just make them for me...even for pay!!
Your weekend sounds wonderful!!

Emma said...

Looks adorable!

Unknown said...

The dress is lovely - and please reassure Romily that no trains were ever hurt in any of these productions :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that dress is just beautiful! What a good idea to line it too, little babies have such soft delicate skin. An afternoon of solo shopping sounds fabulous, and well deserved!

Duyvken said...

just gorgeous, Lily, you did a great job on that dress. I haven't been brave enough to try sewing clothing since an unfortunate incident in my tr 8 textiles class ;-) Can't wait to see the romper!

Helen said...

Such a cute little frcok Lily! Love the fabric!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Love the dress...and you are right, nothing like a full lining to hide your sins/I mean armholes!!!
Good me time!!! Tracey

Little Munchkins said...

Gorgeous dress and I love the fabric you chose too.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the dress! So bright and summery and the little pleats at the neckline look adorable. Well done!