Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Good Weekend

This weekend feels like fun. I am relaxed, happy and enjoying my life. With work calming down a lot this week, a lot of the pressure is off.

We are taking it really easy this weekend (meaning we are doing no chores other than cooking and washing up), as tomorrow is Father's Day and we are having a happy family weekend.

Nice kitty

Today was a glorious day in Canberra - perfect for the first day of spring. After a short lay-in and giving Carl a haircut (number two all over - it's not that hard I promise) I took Romily to the zoo (again) so Carl could have some time out and then while she was asleep I got busy with the sewing machine and whipped up the second pair of pants [Kwik-Sew 3211] for my nephews' second birthday (which is tomorrow - happy birthday Cody and Darcy!).

A detail of the knee - it's a fabric insert in each knee, which 'pops' when they're walked. Too cool for school I say!

My sister-in-law likes to dress the twins in the same clothes, but different colourways. Happy to oblige! I'll try to get a photo of them in their new pants. They are just adorable boys.

I think I should make all projects twice - the second time around takes half the time of the first! Then we all went out for a 'cino (me a hot chocolate, Carl a flat white and Rom a babycino) and a romp around the playground. A lamb roast for dinner and then a bit of doodling around and fabric washing to top off a pretty fabulous day.

Tomorrow Carl will have a sleep-in, followed by a yummy cooked breakfast and then we'll head out at a leisurely pace for a bike ride around part of Lake Burley Griffin, followed by another round of 'cinos! I'm hoping to get a bit more stitching done tomorrow too. Can't decide whether to do more work on my Christmas projects, a new dress for Romily or her new quilt. Decisions, decisions, decisions! Life is pretty good at the moment :)

I'm also looking forward to heading out to the movies on Monday night by myself for some time out of my own. Am going to see the premiere in Canberra of the French version of Lady Chatterley's Lover. It's a fundraiser for the ACT Writers' Centre, where I used to be a member...and may be again one day if I ever have the time to write!

Here's to a Happy Father's Day for all the dads celebrating tomorrow!


~Bren~ said...

What a nice weekend you have planned. Happy Fathers Day to Romily's Daddy!
The jeans for the twins are so cute. Yes, anything is easier the second time around!

Unknown said...

That is one beautiful tigger that Romily's watching and the jeans are great Lily - your SIL will be well pleased with those I should think

Anonymous said...

Wow, the pants are fabulous! I love the pop out knees.

Helen said...

Sounds like a lovely Fathers Day. Those jeans are HOT!

Karen said...

Lily these pants are gorgeous, love the knees. Is it an Ottobre pattern?
Glad to hear you had a relaxing weekend after your busy time.

Clare said...

Those jeans are fantastic and I think the knees are brilliant. Glad you had a chill out weekend and I hadn't heard about the French version of Laddy Chatterley's Lover. Have you seen the newish Edith Piaf movie?