Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A thank you and another finish

First of all, a big heartfelt thank you to Anne who very kindly and generously shared with me her simple stars pattern. The very gorgeous Anne also sent me a darling little pincushion, which is truly gorgeous - and much needed. I ate my chocolate one! Thank you Anne :)

And I finished the second Kitty, who will be soon going to live with Molly, who is just over a month old. I am happier with the face this time around, but I thank you all for your kind comments on the first one I showed!

Life continues on here - I have managed to catch some kind of tummy bug which is making me feel blergh, but it's not making me feel really ill, so it's not too bad - and we're all busy little beavers. Hence I have very little time for blogging. Seems to be going round lately!


~Bren~ said...

Very cute pincushion. What a nice surprise! Molly will be thrilled with her kitty...if she can be at that age...well in a couple of years it will be much loved. I still have a little stuffed friend that was given to me at birth. He was very loved and still is.

Unknown said...

You're very welcome Lily - glad you liked it - have fun with the stars when you get round to them. I love your kitty face with the wistful mouth - you might find them easier to embroider before you assemble the animal - always providing you can work out where to position the features

Joyce said...

I like the expression on this one! Very cute. I'm sure it will be much loved.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

I love that cute litle pincushion, lucky you, and the kittens continue to be cute!
Hey, the blergh isn't just in the mornings is it?.........Gotta run now, before you catch me.....

Judy said...

She's just beautiful! Very good job!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily, I love their faces, they are just so cute......I'm doing great, just tired so that's not to bad if I do say so myself...We leave for vacation on Monday were going to the East Coast for our close friends parents 50th Wedding Anniversary , I hope we will all have a great time...
Huggles Tina

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Oh the dolls and that pincushion, so cute!!! Sewing and quilting are so relaxing. Glad to find you!