Saturday, April 28, 2007

Balloon! Flying!

We took Romily to the Canberra Balloon Fiesta the weekend before last, which she just loved. All morning it was: 'Balloon! Flying!!'

When we got home we could see the balloons from our balcony and lounge room windows, so she was very excited to watch them glide past in slow motion. Then quite a few of them landed in a nearby paddock, which she could also see, so then it was: 'Balloon! Down! Land!!' on repeat for quite a few hours later.

We love the fiesta, as you might have guessed and I also enjoy photographing the balloons and the people there watching them - it's quite challenging taking good shots in such low light. The colours are fabulous of course and this year it was the most perfect dawn and gorgeous autumn day. it certainly is worth getting up at 5.40am to see the multitudinous balloons all take off within minutes of each other. A lovely start to the day!


Thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments on my last post about Campbell's Wonky Geese! I am having such fun playing with colours and textures. I don't think I'll ever be a master at piecing, but I do love to experiment, so it's lovely to receive such great encouragement!

The hand quilting on the quilt is coming along nicely. I am almost half-way around, so the quilt should be ready for binding by next weekend at the latest. I wonder if I can get my machine serviced by then?

I went and had a cuddle with Jack today - he is one day old. Thank goodness my friend had an elective caesar - he weighed in at one ounce under 10pd!!!! (That's 4.5kg for my Aussie and Anglo friends!) Crikey! He is just darling of course. A lovely big healthy baby. Cluck, cluck, cluck!

I bought him a gorgeous little outfit as 'part one' of his present, as no doubt he won't get his quilt for at least another month - probably two! Unfortunately I have to take it back, as I bought size 0000 and he is too big! We'll swap it for a larger size tomorrow and 'represent' the present!


Unknown said...

Lily - the balloon photos are great - and what a looker in that hat Romily is :o) That's not the sound of a broody hen I can hear is it - yearning for No 2? Don't worry about being the worlds greatest piecer - as long as you're having fun and enjoying both the process and the end result only another quilter would look close enough to notice any imperfections and the nice ones (are there any other sort ) would be too kind to point them out - enjoy!

Joyce said...

The balloons look like ton of fun. I love Romily's hat. I agree with Anne, you are sounding a bit clucky!

Clare said...

Lily - you have no idea how those pictures take me back to the good old days. I was training as a balloon pilot before I became pregnant. That put a stop to it and I haven't flown since. I really really miss it. The early mornings when you feel as if you have the world to yourself. We flew out of Longleat House, Leeds Castle in Kent, Northampton, Southampton and flew every weekend, twice a day, when the weather allowed us to. Very Big Sigh!

Like Anne and Joyce, do I hear broody hen noises?

Duyvken said...

now that looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily,
Just dropping by to say I'm still a live and kicking. How's the new job going? Third week of chemo and I'm going strong..I am reading a new book by Catherine Anderson called"Baby Love" it's been pretty good, a nice romance with some twist and turns, so far I've laughed , cried and smiled thru half of it...I still haven't been sewing but I have been working on knitting some scarfs... I love the Hot Air Ballons and Romily is as beautiful as can be...
Luv and Hugs Tina

Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous! i've always wanted to go see something like that, but alas, the closest one that i know of is about 1000 miles away. :o/ thanks for sharing!

Judy said...

The pictures are breathtaking!

Simonetta said...

Thank you for this photos, they is so beautiful! I believe that has been a marvelous party :))))

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

At 10 pound I hope she didn't buy too many boxes of newborn nappies when they were on sale! he wont fit in those long or at all. Love DD's hat and the balloon pics, gorgeous, Tracey

Hedgehog said...

That black balloon looks a lot like the Fazer licorice logo here in Finland!