Saturday, August 12, 2006

Canberra quilt fair

Today we all went along to the Canberra Craft & Quilt Fair. It was much bigger than I thought, and there were lots of people there! I know the Canberra Quilters have been around for a long time, but I had no idea how 'big' crafting is in Canberra.

It was a gorgeous day and there were some amazing quilts by local and Australian quilters. However, the highlight of the show was the exquisite collection of Japanese quilts. They were just stunning - most of them hand-quilted and many of them also hand-pieced. The artistry was just amazing and the variety of styles, fabrics used and techniques for quilting, appliqueing and embellishing was astounding. Unfortunately photos weren't allowed in the Japanese exhibit, but they were in the general show.

Here are some of my favourites:

Sunshine in the Cherry Orchard - Daphne Mahon

Monolith II - Beth and Trevor Ried (I am such a fan of this husband and wife team's work. Just love it - very modern Australian)

Through the Kosmos II - Rasa Mauragis

Red Wave- Dianne Firth

Knots & Crosses - Mary Donohue

Star of my Universe - Jo Anne Pulko

Autumn Breeze, Winter Sneeze - Helen and Pat Godden

Best of Show - Summer Harvest - Kerry Gavin

It was a lovely way to spend a Saturday morning, despite me feeling quite crook. I had a little sleep in the afternoon, which did help a bit. It's off to bed early tonight for me!


Rachael Elswyk said...

I love "through the Kosmos" and Autumn Breeze, Winter sneeze". What a greta way to spend a day!

Anonymous said...

These quilte are lovely Lily. I tried to reply to your comment, but the message came back to me. Mother's helpers- greatest invention ever! : )

Tonya Ricucci said...

Ooh, looks like a great event. Glad you got to go. Love the Reids' work too - got to see one of their quilts here. Love the Sneeze/Breeze quilt too. Very fun, thanks for posting them.

Anonymous said...

Ah Lily the quilts are beautiful what a wonderful way to spend the day with your beautiful daughter and sweet hubby....Do you belong to the Canaberry Quilt Guild?
We finally have rain here in Missouri it's so refreshing...Hugs Tina

Heather B said...

Those are amazing! When I think of quilits, I think of old lady patterns that usually smell ... well like an old lady!

Times have obviously changed - I want The Red Wave!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilts! I can't think of a much better way to relax than wandering around a quilt show.

By the way, I've tried to reply to your comments a few times, but the emails won't go through. Maybe check the email address typepad has for you.